Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan Pre Anestesi Dengan Kejadian Mual Muntah Pada Durante Operasi Secsio Cessarea Dengan Sub Arachnoid Blok Anestesi Di Blud RSUD Martapura


  • Suhadi Suhadi ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Ika Kusuma Wardani ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Riska Eddela ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta



Anxiety Level, Nausea Vomiting Incidence, Sectio Caesarea, Spinal Anesthesia


Background: The level anxiety is felt by many patients who will undergo surgery, hemodynamic instability due to pre-anesthesia anxiety have an impact on anesthetic complications and one of them is nausea and vomiting. Aim : To determine the correlation between pre-anesthesia anxiety level and the incidence of nausea and vomiting during section cesarean with Sub Arachnoid Block (SAB) spinal anesthesia. Methods: The research design was quantitative with a cross sectional approach. There were 97 respondents recruited as the sample through non-random sampling technique. Data were obtained from observation sheets and questionnaires. Finding : The finding indicated that the age of the respondents in this study was 17 to 48 years old. The majority of the respondents had mild anxiety levels (44.3%), did not experience anxiety (33.0%), moderate anxiety levels (18.6%), severe anxiety levels (4.1%). The respondents who did not experience nausea and vomiting (79.4%) and respondents who experienced nausea and vomiting (20.6%). Conclusion: Based on statistical test with Spearman's Rho obtained correlation coefficient value of 0.181 = weak correlation with SIG. 2-TAILED 0.076 (>0.05). In accordance with the correlation test data, it can be concluded that there is no significant or insignificant correlation between the level of pre-anesthesia anxiety with the incidence of nausea and vomiting in sectio caesarea with sub arachnoid block (SAB) spinal anesthesia at BLUD MartapuraHospital.


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How to Cite

Suhadi Suhadi, Ika Kusuma Wardani, & Riska Eddela. (2021). Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan Pre Anestesi Dengan Kejadian Mual Muntah Pada Durante Operasi Secsio Cessarea Dengan Sub Arachnoid Blok Anestesi Di Blud RSUD Martapura. Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran Dan Kesehatan Indonesia, 1(3), 152–160.

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