The Effect Of Warm Ginger Compress On Reducing Gout Arthritis Pain In The Elderly


  • Musta’in Musta’in Duta Bangsa University Surakarta
  • Tri Yuniarti Mamba'ul Ulum College of Health Sciences, Surakarta
  • Ikrima Rahmasari Duta Bangsa University Surakarta
  • Ellen Yolanda Cristin R Duta Bangsa University Surakarta
  • Saryadi Saryadi Duta Bangsa University Surakarta



Gout Arthritis, Pain, Warm Ginger Compress


Background: Gout arthritis (gout) is a disease that arises due to excessive blood uric acid levels, which causes excessive blood uric acid levels, namely the production of uric acid in the body more than its disposal, besides that the cause of excessive uric acid production in the body can occur due to genetic factors (congenital), food factors. Complaints of gout arthritis pain vary from mild, moderate to severe. One of the non-pharmacological therapies that can be used to relieve gout arthritis pain is warm ginger compresses. This study aims to see the effect of warm ginger compresses on the gout arthritis pain scale. Methods: This research is a type of pre-experimental research, namely experimental research without a control group. The research was conducted with a one group pre-posttest design. Sampling using total sampling technique. Results: The results of the Friedman test showed a P value (0.000). The results of this study indicate that warm ginger compresses can reduce gout arthritis pain. Conclusion: There is a significant effect on the level of gout arthritis pain before and after the warm ginger compress intervention


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