Tradisi Penangkapan Ikan Menggunakan Lol Bubu Masyarakat Desa Ternate Selatan Kecamatan Alor Barat Laut Kabupaten Alor


  • Efraim Wetang Universitas Aryasatya Deo Muri
  • Augusta De Jesus Magalhaes Universitas Aryasatya Deo Muri



Tradition, Fish, Lol Bubu


The purpose of this study was to find out the traditions of the people in West Alor sub-district in fishing using traditional tools. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method, in which the researcher directly observes and analyzes the process of making the tool using traditional materials up to the fishing process. The research results obtained were as follows: Bubu is a passive fishing gear and the manufacturing process uses tools such as peda machetes and hammering knives, and traditional materials such as bamboo, rattan rope and bidara wood. The process of making a trap with several stages, namely a) the stage of making the cavity of the trap lol gadaloga, b) the stage of making the eyes of the trap lol gang with the aim of getting the fish in, c) the stage of making the stomach of the trap or the body of the trap lol gotok with the aim of accommodating the fish, c) the stage making trap hands or trap frames lol gatang with the aim of placing weights or stones and the last is, d) making trap doors with the aim of taking the fish in the trap, then determine the day, date for carrying out the ritual where the people believe in God Lahatala so there is no distraction when going to look for jema olang.


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How to Cite

Efraim Wetang, & Augusta De Jesus Magalhaes. (2022). Tradisi Penangkapan Ikan Menggunakan Lol Bubu Masyarakat Desa Ternate Selatan Kecamatan Alor Barat Laut Kabupaten Alor. Jurnal Pendidikan, Bahasa Dan Budaya, 1(1), 01–20.